Monday, August 29, 2005

back to blogging...

wow, what a hiatus. no time for writing when i've been enjoying the sunny weather and the beaches. but soon (2 days!) it'll be back to school, bored at my desk...summer has been great. i managed to get to nagoya a few times, do lots of exploring and days at the beach, fireworks around the ken and summer mum and bob's visit was great. we visited some really beautiful places in the alps, spent some time in nagoya, kyoto, well as the first five days or so around here, i'm back in shib and they've left...lindsay's home and that's great too. i've visited her new house and it will now become the new destination for parties, bbq's...except for the small detail that it's in NAKAJO but what can you do...yesterday lindsay and i went to a beach in niigata and as were were lying there a couple of guys on jetskis approached us and started chatting...then invited us to a bbq at one of the bars down the beach. turns out they were about 15 of the albirex team. they gave us drinks and food, and we spent several hours chatting to them. they were super nice!!! especially the keeper...(photo below). two more days of freedom till school...gotta enjoy it!
keeper Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 28, 2005

ryoukan Posted by Picasa
Matsumoto Jyo Posted by Picasa
Bob Posted by Picasa
mum Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

izakaya Posted by Picasa
 Posted by Picasa
rocky beach Posted by Picasa
gardens Posted by Picasa
nice bikes, eh??? Posted by Picasa
riding thru villages... Posted by Picasa
bob at shimizu-en Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 13, 2005

... Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 12, 2005

tomoks and i passed this snake yesterday, halfway devouring some kind of road-kill... Posted by Picasa
..almost eaten... Posted by Picasa

Thursday, August 11, 2005

 Posted by Picasa
'round shib Posted by Picasa
...old...train station? Posted by Picasa
...rice fields... Posted by Picasa
today's bike ride Posted by Picasa

right. back with the updating.

ok. so i was checking out my friend's blog the other day and saw that she posts so much stuff, so many pictures of just random things in japan. i thought this was a very good idea, cuz even if it's boring to others, it'll be interesting to me, and it'll be more of a 'japan diary' anyway. so i've decided to start taking my camera out again and taking random 'japan' pics...
anyway below are just some of plants on my balcony...i've bought some new ones recently but have no idea what they are...

right. back with the updating.

'nother view from my balcony Posted by Picasa
are these edible? (and, for the following pictures, does anyone know what kind of plants they are?) Posted by Picasa
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