for all you eikaiwa teachers: do a western dinner etiquette night. it was such a success, i can't believe i haven't done it before. i made a main course, salad and soup (i had also asked everyone to contribute something). we held it at the community centre. i taught them all the general rules of western dinner etiquette. i told them at the beginning that they probably were aware of most things, but that i would just go over everything and if they learned something new then great. most of these people take english conversation classes so they can travel and talk with foreigners, so i think they find this quite interesting and useful. i went over the DOs and DONTs (DO use a knife AND fork, DONT slurp your soup etc). i was actually quite surprised with what they didn't know. anyway, great success and we had a LOT of fun! 

Speaking of food...
I found something to make you cry Mr.Mistry... I am marking an exercise I gave about what you like and this is what I recieved...
I like curry.
Because curry delicious and hot!
I want to eat India curry.
I want to go to India and England.
And I want to learn to cook curry by myself.
I like India, England and Curry.
I think I may have found your long lost sibling... Don`t suppose one of your parents ever took a hitori trip to Japan about 16 years ago...? I`m thinking of teaching him cricket in your honour...
so hiten's mother would have had to come to japan...get knocked up...go back to england, hide her pregnancy, have the baby, and deposit him back in japan?
hit? any comments?
I was thinking more like dad came over, made a deposit and went home... No need to make so complicated and `days of our lives` Ms.Anbeek...
Dutch, Botterage;
Two of my best friends in Japan.
Are you both implying that my parents are adulterers and that they harbour an illegitamate Japanese child.
Wait till I tell them. They will kick your sorry asses.
Actually come to think of it- Ive always wondered why my brother has a flat nose but there is no way in hell your presumptions could be true. NO WAY.
I think your observations lie in the fact I must share the same gene pool as the boy. somewhere, centuries ago, the Mistry's and Japs must have crossed paths and sprogged a few kids. the recessive gene must have magically reappeared 16 years ago.
Botterage, you'll know for definate when you deduce the boy's opinion on Pakistan, Beatles music from 1965-69 and edible Prawns.
A Hurt Mr Mistry
what's your opinion on pakistan, hit?
Shit cricket team
Hiten, i think you have a trace of the bullshit in you too..
(i love u hit)
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