Tuesday, November 29, 2005

hangman bloopers

so the strangest thing just happened. i was teaching a 3rd grade junior high class. i was teaching with a JTE who always has me plan the whole lesson (and execute it as well...he's very shy and young). he's always really nice, but i don't think has a lot of confidence, especially when he teaches with me, because maybe he feels that, as an english teacher, that his english should be better. (very common among JTEs). so for most of the class i played a horserace quiz game with the students (thanks, luke!). it was great and i think the kids really had a lot of fun. after we had about 10 minutes to kill so i played hangman with them. target grammer: she is the woman who wrote nani nani. so i had up as a hangman sentence: i am the teacher who teaches this class. the students were good at picking letters, and whether they fit into the sentence or not, i'd write the letters on the board. so first i wrote S then E and then a student put up his hand and said X. ok so it's really funny that i write SEX on the board. they're JHS kids, of course they're gonna think this is hilarious. anyway, as soon as the kid said X, the JTE walked over to him and got right in his face and said something, obviously quite stern but quiet. then he turned and walked out of the room. leaving me in front of the class for the next 5 minutes. i'm not sure why he got so upset...maybe because he felt as though the students were disrespecting me after having taught a fun lesson with them. and actually he's the only teacher who has yelled at a class for about 10 minutes straight after they were a bit noisy. he kept saying that i don't come very often and that they should respect me. i just said, 'geez, i didn't even notice. it's nothing like the little evil brats at my other school'. but i did appreciate the fact that he was trying to help. i wish more teachers could be like him. however...the hangman SEX thing? it's just kids being kids and i think maybe he overreacted a little. i later passed him in the hall when i was walking back to the teacher's room, and he just shook his head and said, 'i'm sorry, i'm sorry'.


Blogger kittykat said...

ooo sex!1 naughty word!!

but tell me more about this horcerace game!

9:54 p.m.  
Blogger kittykat said...

i cant spell...

9:55 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My god, compared with what we would have got up to in the UK giggling at the word sex hardly seems significant. J, did you laugh too? So, tell us about this horse game...

10:07 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

horcerace. yeah.
ok well it's super easy. luke told me about it. you can do it many ways, he did it a different way but since i'd done a similar game the other day, i changed it this time.
his game: http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Courtyard/3043/teaching/horserace.html
this is the link that gives you a complete outline and you can print off pictures.
what i did: from that website i printed off the horse and jockey picture. i made 6 copies, one for each team, and numbered them. i drew about 16 vertical lines on the chalk board. i prepared a sheet of about 30 questions using the grammar point. i put up all 6 jockey's on the board, if the team got a question right then their horse would move forward one line, till the finish line and their team would win. very basic idea of the one luke told me about. you can change it however though. i think they get excited by the visual proof of their team racing.

10:07 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

actually sounds like something we would have done in tomoko's language class. when does tomoks get back from america???

10:09 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

today i think!...or tomorrow...???

11:03 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jus,
sounds like youve had a fun morning of it! A student was asking me had I ever had Niku Jaga last week, and I was certain she meant to ask had I ever "heard" Mick Jagger.so i babbled on for a few about how I'm a bit young to be into Mick Jagger, and after a while the JTE steps in there and says the question again..this time a bit slower. went the color of Santa.
Lins ive often wondered the possibilites of showing some of the JTEs some like footage of some of the stuff the students at home get up to and how its dealt with.just to clarify the huge difference!
mortified meself (again)a half hour ago. got a letter and some drawings from me little cousins back home which made me smile, then i reached the "we miss you.come home soon" part and a few tears snuck out. now the whole staff room is in panic as to who caused the tears!should i tell them or let them worry...

11:03 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

latest news:
the teacher hasn't come to get me for our 2nd class together...? it's already 5 minutes into the period.

11:37 p.m.  

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