Sunday, December 04, 2005

another bad class...

taught one of the worst ni-nensei classes today. there is a particularily awful group of boys who all sit together at the left of the class. i still don't know why they don't practice separation in this country...if they can't kick the kids out of class, at least separate them from their friends who are also such bad influences on them...
the boys caused a lot of problems one point two of them were locked in the closet with three of them holding the doors closed. one of the helping teachers went over and tried to sort it out, spoke quite firmly to them and tried to remove them from the front of the closet. she is only pint-sized and one boy reared up and pushed her back...she stumbled back. right before the class ended she was also pushed across the room. as i walked back to the teacher's room with the two JTEs, they both hung their heads in shame and looked as though they were going to cry. what can be done? i don't know. at least i only have to teach this class every couple of weeks, where they're teaching it about 3 times a week.
on a side note, none of the students payed attention to anything and thus didn't learn a thing, despite my having prepared 3 activities for them.


Blogger kittykat said...

makes you realise how easily teachers can become so dissolusioned

11:26 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

must be something in the air. just had a similar ni nensei class (first ever lesson with them) where a boy pushed me,told me to fuck off and had the male middle aged jte by the scruff of the neck and in a headlock. the jte took him out of class and spoke to him in the corridor while i taught the other scared kids. nothing was done. after class the jte was laughing about it and said the boy was frustrated becaus ehe can't understand english. i didn't address him in any way/ask him to do anything. he is just a violent little shit who needs discipline.

11:30 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what can be done?
well for a start they can refuse to accept that behaviour. they can send them to kocho sensei/inform their parents/put them on detention/ give them extra homework. anything really. if they did anything at all to control the situation, let the kids know there are repercussions in this world. i don't know. i find it hard to have sympathy for the teachers. they and the system allow the students to behave like that. nothing is ever done about it. i ahve a huge bruise on my leg where i bashed it against a desk when the kid pushed me. the jte has marks on his neck and is actually hurt. just had the head of discipline tell me he is a nice boy but has problems. no shit!apparently he will apologise after school. i suppose it's something. thing is i'm not even surprised anymore.

12:50 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

i know what you mean. i can't believe your class was so bad and that you got shoved! could you IMAGINE if the kid got away with that at home???
when i said 'what can be done'...i meant...'what can i do?' really. because i know how it is here, and that the teacher's don't do anything, so what am I supposed to do? how am I supposed to do anything?

1:26 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know justine. i was just venting. there is nothing we can do. i actually feel a little sorry for the kid who pushed me. he has attention deficit disorder apparently. he just came to apologise and he was upset. too cool/tough to cry but he had tears in his eyes and was genuinely sorry. he gets it. i forgive him. helps that he is really handsome! just kidding, the slate has been wiped clean. he's just a kid at the end of the day. it's up to the teachers. at least this school addressed the issue somewhat. there was no issue in class with me today before his outburst so i'm guessing there is an issue with the jte that is on going.i don't particularly like the jte (head jte)so i can imagine he is a prick with students also.
one of those days, for both of us

2:26 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

well i'm glad that it got all sorted out! it's amazing how one moment you can feel like punching a kid, and the next moment you want to hug them!
there's the sweeeeetest girl in one of my san-nensei classes. she is so adorable and so good at english and studies soooo hard and she is soooooo friendly...but i don't think she has many friends! i feel so sorry for her!

12:20 a.m.  

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