Thursday, January 26, 2006

canadian lunch

today at school i did a little mini presentation and quiz about my recent trip to holland. it was for the 2-nenseis (13ish year olds). a random question by the JTE was "which countries are near england (igirisu)?" some of the answers: london, africa, new name a few.

they had planned a "canadian lunch" for kyushoku today. they had asked my advice last month but couldn't really think of that much...and they bastardized it anyway.
we got:
a whole wheat bun. yes. that's for real. they DO exist in this country. well done.
french fries. i had told them about poutine, and this was their answer.
"seafood chowder". funny. it tastes and looks exactly like the seafood cream soup we get about once a week here.
"caesar salad": you know those soggy pieces of chopped up lettuce we usually get as a salad? pretty much that, with some croutons and chopped pieces of ham.
oh, and i forgot we got one of those little butter + pouches. the other side had maple syrup which tasted NOTHING like maple.
oishikatta! they were all quizzing me, "how about canadian lunch?" i told them in canada we dip our bread into our soup, and proceded to do so. they pretended they didn't hear/see me and continued to eat their french fries with a spoon (the only utensil we were given). oooohhhh japan i love you.

today was monumental. i signed and dropped off my recontracting form to the board of education. so, as long as they'll have me (my predessessor was not recontracted for a third year), i will be staying in japan next year as well. (and also as long as i don't have a nervous I HATE JAPAN breakdown between now and then...)

on a side note, i'm very worried that by the time i get home to canada it will have become more like a 51st state. damn harper and his right-winged notions. tamara does a better job at putting her disapointment into words ( ...frustration gets the better of mine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh for heaven's sake you two! so mellow dramatic... although its far from ideal, Harper's is still a minority government. and lets not forget that the have practically upped their seats by 100%. besides, ahem, one really can't complain about the current state of government when one doesn't excersize (sp?) their right to vote. ahem*

12:58 a.m.  
Blogger Erik said...

nice work on the recontract. maybe i'll be around too! then i can actually hang with you outside of conferences. by the way, it was rad to see you at the conference!

1:34 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

then it will be the ERIC and JUSTINE crew next year!!!
pretty please????

1:37 a.m.  
Blogger kittykat said...

poutine still makes me laugh!

hey, least they made an effort with lunch...mind you, my kids baked scones the other day then thanked ME for them. "thankyou kathryn-sensei and england and scones".

i invented them, naturally.

id love my school to knock up a yorkshire pudding...yum

4:30 a.m.  
Blogger tam said...

thats hilarious about the canadian school lunch! i am craving poutine now... mmmm.

9:19 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops i just read that. i meant the NDP upped their seats by nearly 100%. so you're staying eh...

3:10 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

...appears that way...

9:18 p.m.  

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