Tuesday, March 28, 2006

couple of old pics of est

Sunday, March 26, 2006

it took me a while but...

...i've finally settled in. coming back to canada for the first time in so long took a few days of re-adjusting. it wasn't until i got to guelph that i realized how strange and overwhelmed i felt. and constant thoughts about coming back to japan and what i would do. my mind felt muddled and i was thinking too much.
chilling out in julia's living room listening to my matty play the guitar, i just felt content and happy to be enjoying that moment. and realized that at first it may feel as though everyone's changed and everything is different, but upon closer inspection you realize that in fact most things are just like how they were.
i'm torn between what i feel i want to do and what i feel i should be doing. what is the easier decision and what is the better decision. life experience vs moving forward.
and the days are just going by like all moments of bliss...
the morning after Posted by Picasa
me and juls Posted by Picasa
matty and 'sullivan street' Posted by Picasa
skating rink at nathan phillip's square Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 25, 2006

toronto at night Posted by Picasa
the badlands Posted by Picasa
natalie and nico Posted by Picasa
natalie Posted by Picasa
my buddy kris, me, and some random guy on st. patrick's day Posted by Picasa
true canada. a hockey rink in the front yard Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 20, 2006

dad and baby sleeping Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 17, 2006


just a quick post to say that i MADE IT OK and that it's sooooo wierd to be here! i had major problems at narita with regards to my PNG spear...but that's a long story.
it's freezing in ottawa...-15 today but it's SUNNY SUNNY SUNNY so that makes it easier to deal with.

Monday, March 13, 2006

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