Friday, May 12, 2006

i'm experiencing the TGIF 3:30pm post-coffee high

and so i feel like rambling.
this week has been incredibly boring. tuesday through friday i only had one class scheduled for each day. so you can well imagine how the rest of an 8-hour day is spent at ones desk.
i've decided a few things:
i'm buying a one-day pass to the fuji rock festival this year. for the saturday. Y16,800 ($168.00) for one day but it will be worth it. big headliner that day is the rolling stones, though laura also knows the guys from clap your hands say yeah which is why we're going on the saturday. a bit gutted to miss broken social scene on the sunday, though i just can't afford the Y39,800 ($398.00) weekend pass. so we'll drive down early saturday morning, and camp for the one night.
also i'm organizing a group to go up to lake towada (where iwate, aomori and akita meet). probably be a few hour drive up north, but a weekend filled with foreign (as in, not niigata-ites) JETs, trivia, onsens, mountains, lakes, hiking and japanese food sounds perfect to me!
i'm heading to tokyo next weekend with tam and laura for the DESIGN FESTA held in odaiba ( which i'm so incredibly stoked for.
following that is kato's *BDAY WEEKEND* (what are we doing, keito?) and then following that is another weekend in tokyo where i'm going to see my long-time ichi-ban, future husband mr. ben harper at Zepp.
and this just brings me to the beginning of june. and a whole summer ahead of me.
other things:
1. lettuce is growing on my balcony. i don't know what kind...i vaguely remember planting something last year. dare i risk it?
2. yosuke started his squacking at 4:10am today. i shoved him in the shower-laundry room and closed the door. but it was almost completely light out. at 4am.
3. jon and i went to fujitsukawa (sp?) beach wednesday night, both armed with our cameras. we are such a couple of nerds together, the two of us snapping away at mating lizards and beach sunsets. i love it. will plan a picnic there soon.
4. even the most bad-ass kids at monkeybridge school don't bother me anymore. i manage to smirk through even the most appallingly uncontrollable classes.
5. my post-canada high isn't wavering. it must be the warm weather. must be?


Blogger kittykat said...

ok a few things

a) i feel like i havent seen you in ages

b) is it true about the rolling stones at fuji rock?!!? i havent seen that

c) the design fiesta in tokyo is fucking awesome- hope you like it

8:32 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

check out the line up! HEADLINER SATURDAY NIGHT!!!
i know...can't wait for tokes!

6:38 a.m.  

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