Sunday, September 10, 2006

i guess that's why they say it's hidden

there is a 'hidden' onsen just outside of shibata. though i've never been there though legend has it, if you take the 13 km bike path through and out of the city, it curves around to a large dam. from you dam you must locate a blocked off road, where you cycle for yet another hour-1.5 hours. you then get to a small clearing in the woods, where you then find a small path off to the side. after another hour-1.5 hour walk or so, you are to find this hidden treasure. we suspect it's probably a cozy hangout for the monkeys in the wintertime.
saturday emma, laura, jennelle and i attempted to find this onsen. we made it to the dam (which none of us had been to before) and instead made the walk which circles the quarry at the dam. and we saw monkeys!


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