Wednesday, January 31, 2007

so i'll bet all you boarders are happy...

one of those cheesy things but gimme a break, i have no classes this afternoon...(thanks becky)

Ten Years ago:
How old were you? 17
Where did you go to school? John F. Ross, C.V.I.
Where did you work? Wimpy's Diner
Where did you live? Guelph, Ontario
Where did you hang out? Climbing gym, Second Cup, William's Coffeeshop...
What was your hairstyle? shoulder length, brown
Did you wear glasses? no
Who was your best friend? Julia Hawken
Who was your regular-person crush? Chris C.
How many tattoos did you have? none
How many piercings did you have? 7
What car did you drive? my grandfather's plymouth
What was your favorite band? R.E.M.
Had you been to a real party yet? just barely
Had your heart broken? no
Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: single

Five Years ago:
How old were you? 22
Where did you go to school? University of Ottawa
Where did you work? MotherTucker's/Gusto/Celtic Cross
Where did you live? Ottawa and Waterloo, Ontario
Where did you hang out? Mercury Lounge, Second Cup, Knox, Barrymore's..
How was your hair style? short and blonde
Did you wear glasses? no
Who was your best friend(s)? Rachel Cameron, Julia Hawken
Who was your regular-person crush? Niel, Great Expedition guy
How many tattoos did you have? none
How many piercings did you have? 8
What car did you drive? Ottawa City Transit
What was your favorite band/group? Ben Harper
Had your heart broken? no
Have you been to a real party yet? yes Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: taken

How old are you now? 27
Where do you work? Toyoura JHS, Saruhashi JHS
Where do you live? Shibata, Japan
Where do you hang out? Immigrant's Cafe, Shame, Hotspot, Lonestar, Wara-Wara
How is your hair style? long brown
Do you wear glasses? no
Who are your best friends? i have many
Do you talk to your old friends? yes, not as often as i'd like to
How many piercings do you have? 8
How many tattoos did you have? none
What kind of car do you have? subaru legacy RX
What is your favorite band/group/singer? not any # 1
Has your heart been broken? uh. yes.
Have you been to a real party yet? yes.
Single/Taken/Married/Divorced/Bitter: single! whoo hoo!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

laura, weekend and conference

we've been having fantastic (sorry, boarders) weather here lately...sunny and about 12 degrees. the weekend was great. laura came up from tokyo and we did the 25k bikeride from shibata into the mountains. no monkeys to be seen this time though. spent the last couple of days in niigata for the mid year JET seminar. sugoi tanoshi to see everyone i hadn't in ages. monday night we hit up shoya for a nomihodai before heading to shame. i must say, it was the funnest two hours i've had in a long time. here's a video of how we managed to get so inebriated...


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lins n me

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fedor, pamela, lins, me, anna, lopaka, kat, jon, laura, erik and (matin)

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jon and kat

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liz/tiff and martin

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some skits...

at the conference. sam, deccy, lopaka and russell Posted by Picasa

shibata jyo and swans

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Friday, January 26, 2007

party times in '05

Thursday, January 25, 2007

the road home

sunday the sun was out and the weather was incredible (for january). i went on a little solo bike ride with my camera. some pics...: Posted by Picasa

vegetable garden

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buddhist temple

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shrine II

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passed by this shrine the other day on the way back from k-boxing. i'd noticed a higher point on a hill with trees so i just assumed there must be a shrine there. i drove up, and sure enough, it stook before me. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


miho, kat, pam, tomoko, anna, lins and me

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pamela & miho

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joel, miho, kat, jon

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pam and deccy, the bday couple

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

new link

k, so i updated the links bar on the right to include the 2007 Musical's Blog, "Shohei and the Okashi Factory". (Not) Pamela, someone should really check the English posted...
so if any teachers/students are looking for info on the production this year, you can give them the link...
also updated the photo blog here.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

tomoko jumping at the beach, miho


spirited away

a slight resemblance, don't you think? Posted by Picasa