Tuesday, July 17, 2007


hanging out at the lodge.

there was live music, drinks, and mechanical bull riding! (kaz didn't quite last...)

service station jumping pics...

miko, miho, kat, tomoko, mieko, anna, lins, masa, me and kaz

tomoko, lins, masa, anna, kaz, cas, mieko, miko, miho, me in our tatami room at night

the bbq the next day: jon, kaz, masa, cas, miho, kat and anna

masa and jon at the service station

miko and me

i think that's mieko!

the whole group



a couple of times we all held on together and went down


mieko striking a pose

kaz doing some stretches

giving anna a hand..


Blogger Jenelle said...

you missed kat's almost hidden face in the tatami room.
Looks like fun, did you feel the quake in Gunma? Who's that piece of man with his wetsuit peeled down?

7:34 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

that man would be keita, our extremely sexy guide.
yeah the ground started trembling as we were hiking, i turned to kat and was like 'earthquake!' and she was like, 'huh???'
didn't realize the severity of it till we got back to the lodge.

8:10 p.m.  
Blogger kittykat said...

indeed, u missed me. rude.

9:05 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

thought you'd appreciate it. check facebook. i'm sure you'll untag yourself anyway.

9:09 p.m.  

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