Monday, October 01, 2007

so...the past couple of weeks

things have been going fairly well. despite the ever-there feeling of anxiety with regards to not having a job...not knowing what i want...or what i'm good at...and how to go about getting it...AND the money running out, that was kind of always hanging over my head.
all other things have been good though, considering. since esther's off these days as well (and i'm staying mostly with her and curtis), having her home all the time has been great. toronto i'm quickly figuring out, which is also nice. still spending loads of time in guelph with juls and with nico, loralie and natalie.

Nuit Blanche happened this past saturday night and that was just fantastic. definitely the most fun i've had out since japan. there were 3 huge zones mapped out from queen west to the distillery district. there were more people on queen it seemed, then at the parliament buildings in ottawa on canada day. it was crazy! we ended up in the distillery district (which was soooo neat) till 6am. i think the highlight of the evening was a performance of the thriller dance (zombies and all) at 2am. honto ni natsukashii!


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