Tuesday, November 27, 2007

it's getting colder

wtf paul?

me ben & paul

i'm going to....

...update soon! and keep this afloat! i promise!

check back for further...constant...updates!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

natalie's hallowe'en

Thursday, November 15, 2007

natalie's first snowman!!!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

i don't think 'sickitating' does this justice:


i really feel the need to write a proper update - just don't have the energy at the moment.
things have been a bit crazy the past couple of weeks and my stomach is reacting with chronic pain. went to guelph last-minute on friday when a colleague offered me a ride. had another binge-weekend with juls & the gang, always involving too much drinking, too much crappy food, too much lounging, and not enough sleep. but of course all of this equates to a fantastic time, so it tips the scale which is why i keep doing it.
a few things worth noting:
juls has asked me to be her maid of honour. i am sooooo excited.
marijke has been in france, morocco, spain, and now holland over the past month.
i'm moving into a house on november 28th, with a friend i went to school with. long story.
other stuff going on, don't want to write right now.

i'm maid of honour!!!!!!!!!!

the usual sunday morning breakfast at the Vienna

hockey night in guelph

paul the goalie

keny, juls, me and steve pre-game

watching the game intently

speakeasies hallowe'en show

Saturday, November 03, 2007

last night

yesterday was my friend paul's last day at work so a bunch of us went out for drinks after. we then met up with some friends and went to XO karaoke, a korean (japanese style) karaoke place on bloor. being there, in that room, with grace, screaming our hearts out to anything and everything (including some j-pop), i felt like i could have been in niigata city in shidax karaoke. i wanted to sumimasen for some more beer, and felt i needed to speak japanese to the guy behind the counter.
at that moment i missed japan SO MUCH. one of the first times i REALLY missed it and imagined myself there. it's amazing how much you just don't think about stuff and then wham.
and then someone sang Bon Jovi and that almost killed me. i miss my girls SO MUCH.

just another t-dot pic

congratulations, juls!!!

birthday/engagement party dinner

jenn, kenny & rachel

some happy kids


this one's funny

esthy & curtis
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