Monday, February 04, 2008

so i guess this has turned into an i'm-lazy-photos-only thing

always with the heffernan bridge shot

cold day in the t-dot

typical cornerstone cafe shot in the g-spot


Anonymous Anonymous said...

lovely snow. still there mid march? bet it is! cant wait to see you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx

7:42 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

hm...very hit and miss in march. the 1st time i came home from japan in march it was -15 the first day, and by the time i left 2.5 weeks later it was +18.

10:54 a.m.  
Blogger Glen-san said...

word up J.
nice pixels, snow looks lovely

3:19 a.m.  
Blogger Glen-san said...

ps yes that was the lamest comment ever...was trying to do two things at once, ie write a comment while on the phone...lets write that one off as a bad idea shall we?


3:20 a.m.  

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