Wednesday, February 23, 2005

potato game, part 2

i think this entry will be well worth the read...funny stuff man.
ok so i played the potato game again with two 3rd year classes (15 year olds) but this time at toyoura (my good school). just when i had lost all hope that these kids were the least bit creative, i'm sitting at my desk correcting their papers and tears are coming out of my eyes i'm laughing so hard. (teacher's must think i'm insane). here are some of then answers they put:
1) Potato's name:
-cindy (huh? where do they get these from???)
2) Potato's physical characteristic(s):
- very cool and cute
-slender face
-his health isn't very good
-he has strong power
-he is very hard (i'm too immature to pass this one off...)
-he is quick
-beaver skin(??)
-slender and crazy
-strongest of all potatoes
-ribbon on her head
-he is very hot man (!!!!!)
-he is black
3)Potato's favourite food:
- likes to eat love very much (?????)
-cake. "everyday she eats much cake"
4)Country Potato wants to visit and why:
- italy to look for many boyfriends
-south korea to see mr. peyonmyu (korean male actor the girls are crazy about)
-france because he wants to be a cool guy
-jamaica to see reggae

and one boy (one of my fav's) introduced his potato as his very pretty fiance, kazume.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Blogger beckstar said...

very brave of him to admit a potato fetish. wonder if it's shotgun wedding???

10:58 p.m.  
Blogger natalie said...

beaver skin is good but my favo is slender and crazy,,,
limited skill vocabulary lessons can be so hilarious!!
did you read the david sedaris story about the french classs explaining easter, ??

11:12 p.m.  
Blogger kittykat said...

and for the non japanese speakers amongst us, what does that meano jeffu?

Ok, my kid just wrote me a poem about leaving...

get this!!-

"While the Cherry blossoms fall,
the memory that you forget are
the voice coming back"

fair enough, the grammar is all over the place, and as an english teacher i SHOULD theoretically fix it, but dang! Its soooo sweet, the poem is also covered in hearts!

bless em!

1:05 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

JEFU-kun!!! I cannot believe you said that in public! People prbably think I don't teach you any productive Japanse!!! hahaha

2:04 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

jefu...CHILDREN have access to this blog!

11:08 p.m.  

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