Monday, October 31, 2005


i slept...(slepped?) in till 7:41 this morning...when i have to leave for work at the LATEST by 8...needless to say it was a very rushed morning.
despite this and being at my bad school, i'm in a relatively good mood. in 25 hours i'll be finished work for the week and headed into the city. then the next morning i'll be on a bus with 3 of my favourite girls in japan (still wish you could have come tam)...headed to tokyo. a flight...and arrival in singapore...30+ degree weather...indian/malay/chinese/western food...yay yay yay!
just gotta get through the rest of the day, my eikaiwa class tonight, and school tomorrow...
 Posted by Picasa
happy hallowe'en Posted by Picasa

Sunday, October 30, 2005

my first visit

a new pub/restaurant opened up in niigata city in may called the northern lights. it's owned and run by a canadian guy. the menu offers stuff like wings, chilli, hamburgers and POUTINE!!! also serves labatts blue. nice.
at the canadian pub! (note: hockey sticks) Posted by Picasa

Friday, October 28, 2005

kat alien Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 27, 2005

such an angel (tomoko's pic) Posted by Picasa
tomoks (tomoko's pic) Posted by Picasa
kim (tomoko's pic) Posted by Picasa
i WISH i could take credit for's from Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

hhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Posted by Picasa
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comments? Posted by Picasa
no comment Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

my eikaiwa hallowe'en party last night. we carved pumpkins, toasted pumpkin seeds, made pumpkin pie and apple cider. 7 of my friends joined us as well. tanoshiikatta, ne?! Posted by Picasa
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this is called the "ninja carving" move Posted by Picasa
jon and tuneki-san Posted by Picasa
iwan is showing them his stuff.  Posted by Picasa
katie and hiroki-san. deeply concentrated. Posted by Picasa
always with the peace sign Posted by Picasa
ta da! Posted by Picasa
mari and kim. kawaii-chan kabocha! Posted by Picasa
"look ma! i'm making my first slice!" Posted by Picasa
completely un-cheesy, genuine-smile pic of kate and me (look at her squished eye haha) btw tomoko took this pic Posted by Picasa
kate and her first pumpkin experience (well done keito-chan) Posted by Picasa
tomoks and her pumpkin Posted by Picasa