First Best Friend: Esther Rootham
First Screen Name: thrustine
First Pet: a rat named fiona
First Crush: astro boy
First Kiss: with a boy at camp named nick. it was during a canoe trip and we were in a tent playing 'truth dare double dare'. i didn't like it. think i was 12.
First CD: REM, automatic for the people
First Car: mitsubishi minica
First Stuffed animal: hand-knitted doll from my oma
First Job: 'real' job...dishwasher at wimpy's diner (unless you count my paperoutes)
Last Beverage: milk
Last Car ride: driving back from the city office where i had to go at lunch and pay the city tax i've owed since september
Last Movie Seen: the new harry potter
Last Phone Call: hiten
Last Cd Played: 'justine's happy hour' from marijke
Last Bubble Bath: thursday!
Last thing you ate: school lunch
Last bad thing you did: how bad are we talking?
Have you ever dated one of your best guy friends? no
Have you ever been arrested? nope
Have you ever skinny dipped: yep
Have you ever been on stage? most definitely
Have you ever been in a fist fight: yes. semi. (excluding hockey). i used to be friends with the ultimate bi%$@. we got into a screaming match and started punching each other one night. i was going through my teenage hormonal stage...i won. boy i still can't stand that pshycho.
Have you ever been in love: yes
Have you ever danced naked: don't think so.
Have you ever sang in front of an audience: course!
1. bead necklace i got from an antique shop in sado
2. black bra
3. black underwear
4. beige trainers
5. black pants
6.3 earrings, + nosestud
7. black hoodie
1. listened to hail pelting the clay roof of my apartment
2. sat in front of my gas heater and drank my morning coffee
3. checked my email
4. had a meeting with a teacher for our next 3rd grade class together
5. prepared for 2 classes on monday
6. filled out this quiz
1. getting photos printed
2. watch movies in my pajamas
3. snuggling with my love
4. travelling
5. tea and conversation with close friends
1. Black or White: black
2. Hot or Cold: Weather - warm, drinks - hot
3. Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate
1. travel as much as possible
2. start a family
1. i try not to regret anything
1. What is your full name now? Justine Berber Anbeek
2. What colour pants are you wearing? Black dress pants
3. What are you listening to right now? 2 different teachers talking on the phone...have you ever noticed how some of them talk REALLY loudly? HAI! UN! UN! UN! SOOOO NONDERO! SO DESU NE! AHHHHH EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! UN! UN! HA! HA! ANO... HAAAAAAAIIII!!!! YOROSHIKU ONEGAISHIMASU!!!!!
4. What was the last thing you ate? school lunch
5. Do you wish on stars? on the first one
6. If you were a crayon what what colour would you be? stupid ass question
7. How is the weather right now? dark and bitter
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? hiten
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? YES!
10. How old are you today? 26
11. Favourite drink? i could murder a caramel machiato right now
12. Favourite Sport? hockey
13. Hair colour? brown
14. Siblings? Nicolas Picolous and Marijke Jane
15, Favourite food? fresh baked bread with peanut butter
16. What was the last movie you watched? harry potter and the goblet of fire
17. Favourite day of the year? don't think i have one.
18. What was your favourite toy as a child? stuffed raccoon named rocky my dad won at a carnival..."rocky raccoon...stepped into his room, only to find gideon's bible...rocky had come, equipped with a gun, to shoot off the legs of his rival.."
19. What's your favourite, summer or winter? Summer
20. Hugs or kisses? yes please
21. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
25. Living arrangements? me and yosuke. we get along most of the time...except for when he rises early and makes all that damn NOISE!
26. When was the last time you cried? bout a week ago
27. What is under your bed? tatami mats
28. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Esther
29. Favourite smell? mosquito repellent, burning wood, bbq, vanilla
30. Favourite TV show? don't have one
31. Happy in life? yes? correct answer?
32. What are you afraid of? what i'm going to do when i get home to canada
33. Butter or salted popcorn? both
34. Favourite car? whatev
35. Favourite flower? forget-me-nots and those big, tall blue ones i don't know the name of
37. How many years at your current job? one and a half
38. Favourite day of the week? Saturday
39. What did you do on your last birthday? had thanksgiving dinner with the entire cast and crew of A Jungle Tale
40. How many places have you lived in? 3...canada, holland, japan
41. Do you make friends easily? Yes