Thursday, May 17, 2007

i woke up in a funk this morning

due partially, i would imagine, to my late night last night and subsequent exhaustion upon waking.
i wasn't even out on the town or anything.
i went to my pottery class with casanova. both of us were in slightly uninspired moods and after less than an hour and a half decided we'd had enough of playing with clay for the evening. i utilized the 'sausage method', thinking to make a mug and ended up with some kind of a rice-bowl. i've decided that i tend to eat far more cereal than rice (at home, anyway) and so i will call it a cereal bowl. moderate success.
on the way home we stopped at anna's house to catch up with her and lindsay, and to bring to a close our 6-month long obsession with Prison Break (second series). but, disappointingly, the end of the (pirated) episode was not working properly and so we were left unsatisfied. (working on it..)
wow. you can definitely tell that i haven't had the most exciting of days.
um. yeah.
will try to at least post some pics tomorrow.


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