Friday, June 08, 2007

just a few tidbits on a friday afternoon

lately i've been forgetting that i am in niigata prefecture. with the exception of a freak tropical-like storm wednesday evening, it has been beautiful sunshine everyday. tuesday and wednesday i got to spend outside, watching my kids' sport's day festival. this friday suddenly crept up on me 1 hour it will be the start of my weekend. and i feel like...already??? sugoi!!
today in class the 2-nensei kids were learning this dialogue between aki and jim. it went something like this:
jim: "are you hungry aki?"
aki: "no."
jim: "really? aren't you hungry???"
aki: "yes."
...and therefore jim is of course confused, as he doesn't realize that in japanese you always respond directly to the question, confirming it (ie - "are you not hungry? yes, that's right, i am not hungry.")
this just brought me back to my first year (or more!) here having random conversations with the teachers. for example:
me: "are we teaching the 2nd graders next?"
sensei: "yes."
me: "so we're not teaching the 3rd graders then."
sensei: "yes."
me: "we are?"
sensei: "no."

i wonder if that means that when the vice principal looks at my short sleeves and says, "samukunai, justine san?" and i say "iie" ("you're not cold, justine?"..."no") what i am conveying is in fact "no, i am cold".
now i'm just confusing myself!

so. this weekend. i'm going to check out a kite battle in shirone tomorrow morning, followed by a bbq by the kaji river with jon and the shibakami crew. sunday i'm heading to a porch party in the city with lins and anna. tanoshimi!
oh. my toes are healing. will hopefully be back at kickboxing by the end of next week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the link to the kite festival is great..especially the photos on his newsletter that he wrote for his company.

7:33 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

well, i totally just stole it from online...i have no idea where it's from...

9:05 p.m.  

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