Friday, July 20, 2007

i don't even know why...

...i got so emotional doing my goodbye speech at toyoura chu. but bawling in front of the entire student body and all of the teachers etc was chooo embarrassing. i think it really shocked a lot of the kids. whenever i passed them in the hall over the next two days they would always say "hello!" or "see you!" or "thank you justine sensei!" which they wouldn't always normally do. always normally?
when i left the teacher's room yesterday they all stood up and clapped and bowed and i booted it out of there as fast as i could because i could feel the tears springing up again. the english teachers there this year are really great, and i've had a really good semester teaching with them. i've taught with dozens of english teachers over the years and the three at toyoura now are really some of the best.
i've got monday off and then tuesday is my last day at saru chu. another leaving speech (gulp)...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey justine! hiashi buri! could totally relate to this post. leaving japan is very emotional. i was exactly the same! leaving has been good for me too though, i've had a great year, as i'm sure you will ;-)

10:48 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

hi kel, cho hisashiburi! good to hear from you!
it's also good to know you've had a good year at home. i had a nightmare about being home the other night.
what have you been up to??

10:09 p.m.  

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