Sunday, February 13, 2005


the sun was shining all weekend in tokyo. i took the strange trip back on the day-bus. i went from the bright sunshine of tokyo through the mountain ranges. bit by bit the patches of snow would get more and more numerous, but the sun just kept on shining. until we passed the WELCOME TO NIIGATA sign. it's kind of movie-like, actually. the bus is driving along until it comes to a valley and huge mountains are gaping all around you. this is where the WELCOME TO NIIGATA sign is, and i swear that from the moment you cross over the shadow of the sign, the landscape goes from being flat-ish, sunny and green to MOUNTAINOUS, RUGGED, CLOUDY, AND SNOWY. i think the sign-place was posted perfectly. it's almost like a warning: WELCOME TO NIIGATA. (mountains looming in the distance, snow 3 metres high). the sign seems to say: WELCOME TO NIIGATA. THIS IS WHAT IT'S ALL ABOUT. [SEE BEHIND]. apparently niigata was supposed to be one of the targets of the A-bomb. but, due to the cloudiness of the day, they scratched that plan and dropped it on hiroshima.
hmmm...happy valentine's day everyone. here, the girls are supposed to give chocolates to the boys that they like. the boys get about a month of 'thinking it over time' and if they decide they like the girl then i guess they let that be known. is it wrong to send out about two dozen packages to maximize my chances???


Blogger natalie said...

i got a chocolate!!
this is a glorious day the sun is maaking th world so bright, is it this bright in Shibata??
Niigata is glowing, it is sparkling, i need my sunglasses inside!
so why is the teacher's room still so cold??

9:58 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

my friend pascal's girlfriend tomoko gave me chocolates on saturday! but of course i had to wait until midnight (or, almost!) to eat them because i can cheat on sundays. yes i know you think i'm crazy but i feel tons better already!
shibata is overcast though i can tell the strength of the sun today. it's one of those days where the sun is so determined to break through the dark shadow of the clouds that you notice it's presence despite being covered. but it is quite chilly and i am covered in goosebumps as i sit at my desk, coat on and toes like icycles. u guys going to the gym tonight?

10:51 p.m.  
Blogger natalie said...

bien sûr

12:19 a.m.  

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