Thursday, July 21, 2005

it's true

"Y’all Canadians is NAAAAHHHCE. I have never in my life met a nicer group of people. People were nice to us EVERYWHERE, always talking and asking us if we were having a good time. This totally beats out the South when it comes to nice because in the South people are nice to you ‘cause they know they mama is gonna beat them back home if they ain’t. In Vancouver people were nice because THAT’S WHO THEY ARE. Except, they don’t have Super Target or TiVo."
"Lots of y’all wrote to tell me that y’all don’t talk like that, meaning: aboot! and oot!
Here’s the truth: YOU ALL DO. Stop the denial. I heard ABOOT more than a hundred times and then I lost count. It’s not annoying, in fact, I loved it. It made me want to package you all into little morsels and claim you on my customs form while going through the airport."
"We had the most amazing time in Vancouver. We were totally blown away. I can’t even begin to describe how exciting and breathtaking the city is. Truly one of the world’s gems"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, have you seen the website 'chromasia'? just been looking at it... it's a photo blog thing where this guy puts up one photo every day, some of them are amazing.

hit, are you shibata shogyo? our baseball team just beat yours... ha ha ha ha

4:05 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

deep breaths justine. not worth your energy. you're almost out of there for over a month. just think of that. totallt understand though. i was told on wed at 2 p.m. that there was an enkai that night at 6:30! they couldn't understand why i was anooyed and couldn't go. hello,i have a life! anyway, forget it.

10:00 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

tx kell ;)

12:42 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops that comment was meant for your most recent post. i am stupid today.

12:57 a.m.  

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