Thursday, February 23, 2006

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Justine!
1. I must apologise..I often read the blog, I never now I'll make up for it by throwing in a few!Life at chuto consists of lunch break emails. And recently one of the JTEs complained to me that other teachers are too afraid to ask me to leave the "communal" pc when I am using it and they need it. Poor frightened little adults...
2. Was beginning to relate to the bleak awfulness of looking out the window at Niigata and then this weekend the sun came out and now my spirits are back on track. Its amazing how something as small as weather can change your whole attitude.
3. Spring break is just around the corner and I was wondering if ya had plans. Girly night is well overdue
4. I did your America/Brit thing thinking I wouldn't have a clue... strangely enough I got 17/20!!! Theres something about the difference, but I cant put my finger on it!
5. I've been having awful longings to talk to my friends at home recently. Was briefly passed on to one of them during Decs call home last night and I couldnt think of a single thing to say to her!! Then when he hung up, all these things I shoulda asked came flooding into my head. figures.

Right I feel I babbled on enough now!
sure I'll see you in Nagaoka lady.
chat soon

12:27 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

pam, arigats for the long comment!
1. i can't believe you have so few internet breaks. my life is internet at school!
2. wonderfully sunny saturday and now it's back to COLD and GREY! boo!
3. spring break! yes! demo kanada ni ikimasu. ato de, isho-ni asonde mashouka! (haha that probably doesn't make sense)
4 i know what you mean. hard to put your finger on the diffs, but they're there!
5. great to see you in nagaoka!

8:07 p.m.  

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