Sunday, February 26, 2006

I LOVE JAPAN!!!!! he he

i was sitting in starbucks with kat on saturday, enjoying a taru-saizudo kafue ratte by the window. a little boy and his mother walked by, and the boy (who must have been about three or four) stopped in front of the glass and just stared at us. we waved to him, and his mother smiled. then the boy crouched down and attempted to look up my skirt! the mother pretended to hit him on the back of the head, smirked, and they moved on.
oh how we laughed.

so little natalie is just "too cozy" to bother coming out yet. i think that she's waiting until i show up to make her appearance. i'm sure loralie can hold on another couple of weeks! speaking of japan they say the gestation period is 10 months. 10 months??? WTF??? guess a lot of babies are born premature. how does that work???

my goodness nattou for lunch AGAIN!! also, i'm not a fan of those pulverized potatoes that they like to add to the miso soup sometimes. they taste as though they've been turned into rubber bouncing balls. no thanks. i never eat them. today as i was eating my soup, i took out the bouncing-ball-potatoes and put them on top of my rice (which i was finished with). a few minutes later, X-sensei told me that NIHON DE, (in japan...we japanese..yaddayaddayadda) find it quite rude and offensive for someone to add soup to their rice. it's considered very impolite and that i shouldn't do it. Y-sensei came to my defence by saying that i was in fact finished my lunch, and i was just preparing to dump it. quel trou de cul!


Blogger kittykat said...


yesterday was good j-chan! Good movie, good movie poster (totally wanna check out 'holy shit' look like a corker) and then an 8 yr old looking up your skirt. hey, that's more action than most in japan. Dont know many men in japan who are that forward.

oh! how i make myself laugh.

2:57 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

8? he was more like 4!
yes. sunday was good. 4 more days...

6:07 p.m.  
Blogger kittykat said...

bugger i just clicked on your little niece's website. And the picture of pregnant mummy came up, JUST as the stuffiest/most conservative teacher in the entire school walked past and demanded to know what an earth i was looking at. Oops.

totally lied. your sister in law in now my cousin. ha.

7:30 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate when they do that...walk up behind you totally unexpectedly and go "Whats this?" and you say "Oh, its just family back home in Ireland stuff." and you could be looking at Grace snowboarding in Nagano (and yet they still believe you).
Justine, its rare, very rare that I choose to put myself in a confrontational situation! but... the other day one of my JTEs was saying how when i initially came she didnt mean to come across as strict in relation to how I taught in the class, but that she was only trying to teach me the 'Japanese way'. I responded by saying I totally respect the Japanese way and then I said "but I'm not Japanese. I'm here to share as much about my 'ways' and culture as I am to learn about yours. its important for the kids to realise that when they decide to use what they have learned by travelling or whatever, that they'll encounter much more than grammar and vocabulary.those are the things im here to teach, and not hide by blending in and adapting to all the 'ways'."

that shut her up
although now she doesnt really say much to me. ah well.

8:19 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Team... I have dicovered something!!!! You know when you get a sheet to mark and it has something like `I don`t like English` written on it and you sit there and think why would this dude who is usually so cool in class write that... Well... I just discovered that the word 苦手(にがて)or Nigate,which actually translates properly as being bad at something, is also in the one dictionary they have as `not liking` something... Thus, when they look up the word they say te bit of grammar that they learnt in Shogakko and think it must be write caus its the one they have heard before... Obviously its only there because of the nuance that usually when you are not good at something you dislike it... I discovered this when I had this dude come to me and tell me how he hates Japanese and after getting him to actually say it IN Japanese to me realised that it just means he, and all the others who write it on worksheets, are actually saying they just aren`t any good... Wish I had known that a year ago...

9:10 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And I apologise for that horrendous grammar and ludicrously bad spelling (write???)... Next time I will attempt to calm myself down before relaying a discovery... :-)

9:14 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

i KNOW what you mean about teacher's coming up behind you. i know they don't do it to deliberately be rude, and i'm sure because they can't actually READ what's on your screen that they feel as though it's not rude...but how many times have i been on my computer and a teacher will come up behind me and then LEAN OVER and STARE at my screen and be like, "what's that??" and stare at it for a while. and i've got an msn conversation open or an email or my blog or something...or PINKISTHENEWBLOG or something...and i'm's an email. and then they tell you what they want to tell you or whatever. half the time i think it's just a conversation starter, you know? just something to say or whatever.
but...yes. i feel constantly torn between trying to 'respect japanese culture and etiquette' and being adament that i am canadian and i'm here to share my culture. when it comes to pouring for yourself at an enkai, or eating while walking or not bowing to your kocho-sensei...(the more 'serious' crimes hee hee) then i would understand if someone felt insulted by my behaviour. but when it's something that is really not all that insulting (come one...did he REALLY feel that offended that i put some bloody fucking potatoes on top of my rice???)
ryan...IT ALL MAKES SENSEI NOW! thanks for that. seriously. i was wondering about that!

10:29 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

speaking of school lunches
just had mine;
ragu spaghetti
baked crinkle chips(fries..whatever!)
miso soup

i sat down to it and went "Hmmm,Carb!"
and my kocho sensei looks at me, and says "hmmm, yes, too much carbohydrate.good point Pamera-sensei. I shall write it in my report." ok mr.fluent when you feel like it!!!
he cracks me up.
i made pancakes for brekkie this morning cos its Shrove Tuesday and all, and I had extra batter left over, so I brought one to Kocho and my supervisor. Felt like a lick-arse, but it seems to have been a very very good move!!
Our stomachs are the way to our manipulation senior teachers-0

11:14 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

i know. i hate it when we get rice/bread AND potatoes/mochi in the soup and then they serve us potato salad instead of veggies...and some kind of breaded fillet.
ok i'm hungry now.
happy pancake tuesday everyone. what are you all giving up???
i'm giving up boys. how bout that.

12:16 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Justine, PINKISTHENEWBLOG, omgod that shit happens to me EVERY TIME I OPEN THAT PAGE. I swear. nowadays I look around twice before going there because I just don't want to be caught again looking at kevin federline (why do I know his name?) in white trash cornrows and sagging pants and having to explain how I know his existence, then moving on to have a convo about britney spears. WINCE.

I boarded in Nagano?
You look at my pictures??
and you tell me you don't have enough TIME to COMMENT on MY BLOG???

that is all.

12:58 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

but you don't bother to reply to posts!
or sign your name! ;)

1:13 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

OK I TOTALLY take that back grace. i only saw the second half of your comment! tee hee oops

1:13 a.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

i know. enough with the kevin F pics already.

1:14 a.m.  

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