Friday, June 30, 2006

96% humidity here tomorrow... was ridiculous. thought i was going pass out while teaching a first grade, non-air conditioned class.
glad to be heading up north for the weekend...

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

trouble at the hen house

i came into school this morning to a big commotion. there were all these police buzzing around and the teacher's were all uptight. one said to me "we think there is a stranger in the school." after asking one of my english teacher's, i was told that this morning six windows were discovered to be smashed. also, whoever had done it had taken the fire extingishers and sprayed the whole gym and the hallway leading out to the teacher's room - the entire school hallways are white. they're now sweeping up the broken glass. oh, the drama.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

...and they're not in stock anymore!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

some old pics, mostly stolen from people...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

weekend on sado island

after the past several weekends have been spent gallivanting all over this country, getting absolutely no sleep, and returning at an ungodly hour sunday night, i decided i wanted to spend this past weekend relaxing with tamara on sado island, where she lives. it will probably be the last opportunity i get to be able to go there and have a place to stay, a tour guide to drive me around, and show me all the nice sado jaunts. tamara will be going back to canada at the end of july, and laura - the other sado ALT i'm friends with - will be moving to tokyo.
i took the sado kissen ferry over on friday night. it was the usual trying to be inconspicuous while being the only foreigner nestled in with all of the other sado-ites on the carpeted floor where everyone sleeps, plays cards, or drinks beer for the 2.5 hour ferry ride.
we took it easy friday night, got up saturday and spent the day cycling from tamara's town of kanai, through some villages, to the beach/bay of sawada. for lunch we went to the BEST sushi place i've been to since living in japan. a large, locally-owned rotating place which serves only fresh sado fish. the best part? they actually have western sushi like tempura-fied ebi maki and california rolls! i know this is absolutely taboo of me to say but after 2 years of japanese sushi, it's great to have some good ol' north american goodness.
saturday evening we met up with some other ALTs and drove to a small area close to the mountains. this little village is known for it's hotaru, or firefly viewing. over the next couple of weeks, the little fireflies hatch and fly around the streams and forest in the thousands. by the time we got there the sun was just setting, and we took the 30 minute hike up through the mountain, trying our best to get a photo (not possible). they flew around us, lighting the way up the hill. it was absolutely silent except for the trickle of the stream (and our singing voices on the way back down!) by the time we got to the top and turned around, it was completely pitch black, and we had to make our way back down, trying to stay on the path and not meander into the forest on one side, or the wet rice paddies on the other. it was a beautiful night.
sunday was spent much like saturday - though it started off with a large and delicious pancake breakfast with yoghurt and fruit. afterwards laura, tam and i hopped on our bikes and headed to the beach again. after some lounging in the sun (the weather was incredible), we returned for some more kaiten sushi. as we walked in the door, we were met with a barrade of welcome!'s, and laughter as it had been tam's fourth time that week.
after yet another amazingly delicious meal, we cycled back to tam's apartment, i packed my bags, got to the port, and said goodbye to sado island.
ferry to sado island Posted by Picasa
some of the sado ALTs Posted by Picasa
walking to see the hotaru Posted by Picasa
on the road up to view the fireflies Posted by Picasa
on our bikeride, day 1 Posted by Picasa
cute sushi chef at the amazing sushi place Posted by Picasa
the fakest smiles we could possibly muster Posted by Picasa
laura/tam on our bikeride Posted by Picasa
california rolls!!! Posted by Picasa
nice hair Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 22, 2006

yesterday i saw my favourite little nina-chan. she's gotten so much bigger than the last time i saw her, as i guess 3 year olds do. last time, and from last year 1 and 2.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

photo blog

so i've been very good about updating the photo blog please check it out!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


that little cartoon i posted led me to this


The graphic with a joke about a sinking liner. The captain urges passengers to abandon ship. He tells Americans they will be "heroes"; British "gentlemen"; Germans that it is a rule to jump; Italians that women will love them; French, he tells, "don't jump"; and Japanese that "everyone is jumping."

tales of a random friday night in shib

this story (stolen directly from tam's blog - i'm lazy this morning) describes some random friday night craziness in my little city. tam and laura came over on the ferry and headed to shib. i met them at an izakaya after my school nomikai. we were heading home, when...

"...we stumbled upon a little basement party filled with zombified hippies. As soon as we walked into the bar however, everyone seemed to perk up in curiosity and we were greeted with a chorus of "harro!"s. We hit the tiny dance floor and nearly screamed with joy when we heard the opening riffs of a familiar song (New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle). We sang at the top of our lungs and gave all the patrons of the bar an enthusiastic show. Our piece de resistance, however, was when the Super Mario Theme song came onto the loud speakers, flooding us with nostalgic memories of childhood past. We gave this song everything that we had, roboting at the "under the pipes" section, miming a growing mushroom and doing the fast running man in the sped-up section. The whole bar stopped to stare at this bizarre spectacle... you have to understand that as a foreigner in Japan, breathing is conspicuous. Three foreigners pretending to be Mario and Luigi in the middle of a private Japanese dance floor is something along the lines of setting your hair on fire in a normal bar... We left the basement bar amid the appreciative clapping of our "audience" and disappointed sounding sayonaras..."

Monday, June 19, 2006

well done mj, (it's about time...) joking. Posted by Picasa

open your eyes fat head

this morning, exhausted.
nagano: fun. well done boys.
tuesday. 9am
roll on, weekend.


wow. such graceful movements!!!

Top two teams and Team Niigata

the day went from a dark, wet and foggy morning, to a wonderfully hot sunny afternoon (note: working on our tans), back to daunting clouds again.

foggy morning

this is how the day started out as we winded up the mountain in the early morning fog to watch the first match. the boys could barely see the ball and we couldn't see them.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

tokyo haneda airport adds:


Tuesday, June 13, 2006

sometimes i get used to being in this country. and then i see a photo like this of me and my eikaiwa students. GIANT JUSTINE REIGNS AGAIN!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 11, 2006


whew! i am surprised that i am even remotely genki this morning after this weekend. exhaustion aside, the weekend was fantastic and completely worth the 9+ hours it took us to get there!
cars, trains, trains cars - being stow-aways on the express train and trying to stretch our yen.
kobe was brilliant - such a cool city with tons of fun areas to walk around - chinatown, the harbour, the cable-car up into the hills behind the city. the weather was perfect (though hot!) and the weekend was filled with eating, drinking, sightseeing, and football watching. saturday night out till 5am...too many vodka/redbulls, sweating it out on the dance floor...wandering the streets as the sun is coming up...asleep by 6 and have 10am check-out time not even enter into my head...until 9:52 sunday morning when i suddenly woke up, exhausted, hungover after less than 4 hours sleep...realizing we had to be out of the room in 8 minutes. grand. a mad teeth-brushing and shoving clothes into our packs...needless to say sunday was a bit of a write-off...including a 3 hour train journey and then 6 hour drive. i was asleep before my head hit the pillow when i finally was able to climb into my own bed - around 1am last night. i'm at shogakkou today and am desperately trying to be genki with my 4-nenseis. surprisingly they're lifting my spirits and the day is going well. (plus it's absolutely amazing weather outside - lucky lindsay gets to spend it on the beach...)
kobe harbour. there is a small area which they've preserved from the big earthquake in '95 which leveled the city.
 Posted by Picasa
bent lampposts Posted by Picasa