Friday, July 27, 2007

last day

today is the last day that i will occupy this apartment. i woke up this morning feeling really weird about all of it. starting tomorrow i'll be moving in with lindsay in tainai and jon will move in here. of course i feel rather protective and territorial about my place, so it's going to be very strange. however, much better jon than some new JET i don't know.
as lins doesn't have internet access, this might be the last blog posting for a little while. not sure what i'll get up to in nakajo, but it being close to the beach is a good thing.


Blogger tam said...

ahhh, so sad!! a lot of mems for you in that little apaato.

1:48 p.m.  
Blogger Jenelle said...

no blog for a while *sniff* sniff* what shall I do on these long boring summer days?
Are you guys doing an allnighter on saturday?

7:22 p.m.  
Blogger Justine said...

i know, the leading up to it was the worst tambo...
well. i've come over to anna's to use internet today so i might do a little updating...just spent the last hour on facebook!
yes definitely allnighter on sat! maaaaaabye shame after immigrants but...there's also this cool new bar in bandai(ish) run by an american guy named max. really chill little place so we might go there - nice dance floor, Y500 drinks.
first train baby!!!

2:02 a.m.  

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