Friday, February 23, 2007

facebook is taking over...blogging: the new passion for JETs

so. i always knew that my blog was such a success over the past few years due to large amounts of my friends working the same job as me here in japan, sat at their desks with nothing but the internet to entertain them.
fast forward three years: enter Facebook.
it's the new blog!
but lest we not forgot our dear friend, The Blog. she has been good to us, let's start paying her some attention sniff sniff...please?
she loves you.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

VIDEOS! turn speakers on!

skiing in wakabuna last weekend...kat, lins and misael: video of my kawaii friends in lindsays car!! and third video of me and casa fighting it out to the end with some taiko drumming at JoyTown. (he won...i sucked).

sushi time! casa, kate, kat, tomoks and anna:

out at shoya the other night...tomoks, mayumi, kate, lins, benji...

two short videos of one of my 3-grade classes at toyoura. next is jon and kazuya at a thai restaurant in shib...kazuya was hitting on the poor server:

last video is in ikenotaira a couple of weeks ago, playing drinking games at the hotel:

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

so here's something that's kinda shitty...

last week i spent all day at school making this big display for the english board of this year's musical to try to get some of my students to come to the shibata show, which had been added kind of last minute. yesterday i came into school to see that my whole display had been taken down and replaced by some stupid posters of something or other. i've looked all over the school and haven't found my display just moved or put up somewhere else. which means that whoever did it, without even asking me or telling me, just threw it all in the garbage. it hadn't even been up a week. how shitty is that!?
i mean...even in the odd chance that for some reason they didn't want that display up (which i can't imagine to be the case since it promotes english and my BOE sponsors it blah blah blah)...they could have at least told me they were going to remove it so i could keep it and put it up somewhere else!

Monday, February 19, 2007

nother long weekender

lucky lucky me...i got this monday off again as my JHS didn't need me that day.
oh. just looked up and the computer teacher is hopping around on one foot and flapping his arms. wierd.
so yeah. good times this weekend. went skiing on sunday with the crew to wakabuna - must have been about 8 degrees that day but it was lots of fun. after that we hit up karaoke in the big city of nakajo...for some 3 hours of craziness. it's funny i spent the day doing the two things that i rarely enjoy doing...and had a fantastic time!
back to the grind today...though only another 3 and a half days and i'm off to toks for a week.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

lins and kazuki at karaoke last night in nakajo

kat and casanova at wakabuna

kat and me

nice view: lins, me, casanova and kat

Thursday, February 15, 2007

SFB sensei, number 2

so back in october our dear and lovely english rose, KAT, wrote about a troublesome teacher who she affectionately named "shit-for-brains sensei". here is a posting describing the wonderful creature and a couple of comments which followed.
dare i say this but...i feel as though i now have some competition at one of my schools.
there is a middle-aged male teacher who came to one of my schools from a private school in august, and had never taught with an ALT before. he speaks some (crap) english, but i have absolutely no idea what exactly he does at this school. he doesn't seem to have any specific classes he teaches, other than the 2nd grade select class once a week. the rest of the time he sits at his desk, staring off into space, reading the dictionary, or (shudder) staring at me.
he is a horrible disgusting man. he is a complete wierdo. i can't even describe his creepiness to give it justice. he's got long, greese-wet hair which he combs over his bald head. he stinks of stale cigarettes and his breath smells from across the room. he got all frustrated with me in a close-talker kind of way when he asked me what the difference between the verbs "to begin" and "to leave" were and i explained politely that the two verbs have nothing to do with each other and that they can't be confused. he has this horribly annoying habbit of telling me something, i answer, and then he continues to lean over me, with his bad breath, staring at me...for an uncomfortably creepy amount of time while i shuffle around, look at him, look back at what i'm doing, 'ask him OK??' and he just stares until after an agonizing minute or so, he'll say something ridiculously stupid.
today i had the pleasure of teaching with him. he'd asked me to plan for the class about two weeks ago, to which i happily obliged. when i went up to him yesterday to explain and confirm the lesson plan, he pointed out that the warm-up activity i'd arranged (which i often do with my students at all my schools and have been for almost 3 years now) would be too difficult for the students, that "they can't do it..i think". i just looked at him and said, "yes they can, i always do this activity". and that was the end of that.
we went up to the class for 4th period today and it was obvious that the kids have absolutely no respect for this guy. at the beginning when he was trying to get them to do the greetings, they were just yelling and laughing at him and making fun of him. he started SHOUTING right away "CLOSE THE DOOR!" and "SHUT YOUR MOUTHS!" and i just kind of stood there looking strangely at him. finally i decided it was going to have to be me that gets control of the kids. so i did my normal routine and the kids were very good. i just basically took over the class after that. it's just so obvious that this guy just doesn't have a clue. why do people like this become teachers?
if he wasn't so pull-my-hair-out-skin-crawling annoying and creepy, i might actually feel sorry for him.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Natalie started walking today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

some *FABULOUS* musical pics! (the musical, not the pics)

yeah. i know the director. yeah.

really i'm not that tall. mr. gigglesworth is crouching.


keito and charlie (aka russell)

iwan and evan

Monday, February 12, 2007

it's the justine show!!!

the usual train + chu-hi shot
the usual j + lins shot

kate and mayumi

i heard this funny story the other day. this woman owns a coffeeshop on the main road of shibata which runs perpendicular to the train station. it's quite a popular road with people walking up and down it all day long. so this woman often sits in her coffeeshop staring out onto the street at all of the people walking by. she remarked on this particular elderly couple who she often sees walking by in the direction of the station, with the old woman in a wheelchair and the man pushing her. then, about 15-20 minutes later, they walk by again, in the opposite direction, with the man in the wheelchair and the old woman pushing.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

the best kids

of all my schools in all my time here, the 3rd grade students at toyoura JHS are my favourite. they were always eager, always enthusiastic, always smiling. i've taught them since they were first graders, and i'm really going to miss them. today i taught the final of the three classes. they all wrote a little note of thanks to me at the bottom of their assignments. here are some of my favourites: Posted by Picasa
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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

i taught my last 3rd grade class at toyoura today.

i've been teaching these kids since they were in first grade. they are my most enthusiastic and best behaved students. i'll be sad to see them graduate! Posted by Picasa
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a video here from yesterday.

sayonara, shogakkou...

i taught my final day at elementary school yesterday *sniif, sniff*. due to a redivision of schools at the shibata board of education, i was needed to pick up an extra junior high school, thus replacing my one elementary school day per week. miho (who will be replacing me), came along to observe one of my classes, and i got her to take some pictures and video. there's a chance that starting in the new school year (april), there will be a re-redivision, though i don't think i will get my sho's back. it's sad. teaching shogakkou kept me in constant supply of *smily, happy, fuzzy, warm* moments and memories. the enthusiasm and eagerness of the kids could change my mood in an instant. i'll miss the little sprites...
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4-nensei class

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Sunday, February 04, 2007

fantastic weekend

thanks to jon for organizing this weekend's trip to ikenotaira down in the south part of niigata. it was so much fun...! even the skiing!
all of you guys made my third year in japan so much fun. so thanks for that!!!

kazuya, jon, liz, kat, tiff, lins, anna, misael

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