Thursday, June 14, 2007


sugoi! the weekend!
got big plans for the next couple of days.
as is probably quite obvious, i've turned into a bit of a computer geek. over the past few years living in japan, i've also developed a great love of cooking. put that combo together and what do you get? cooking video tutorials available online which i have been watching and testing. tonight will be butter chicken curry (again). i'm going to head over to kat's place in murakami for the night, as tomorrow, kate's going to join us and we're going to go to awashima.
awashima is a tiny little island off of the coast of murakami. there are 300 inhabitants of the island, with one school (all levels combined). when joe lived in shibata, he used to teach at this school once every two months. he would drive up to north of murakami and take the ferry over. because school finished after the last ferry returned (they're obviously not that frequent!) he would stay over night. iwan did the same after he replaced joe, and used to tell me stories of being taken octopus fishing early in the morning with the owner of the minshuku.
i've wanted to visit there for 3 years now! and now that the weekends are slipping by, i figured we just had to do it one of these days.
so that day is tomorrow. keito's coming up from tokyo and we'll take the 9:30am ferry in the morning.
saturday night is kazuya and miho's bday parties in the city, and then sunday is a bbq in asahi village with masa. tanoshimi yo.
oh also, my eikaiwa ladies have organized something incredibly thoughtful. they wanted to do something for me before i leave, so they've booked me an appointment at a beauty salon for monday night to doll me all up japanese-style (complete with my wedding kimono). i'm going to ask jon along to take some photos.


Blogger tam said...

hey. cannot believe i will be seeing you again so soon!

cant wait to see the pics of you dolled up japanese style... what a great goodbye gift (wish id gotten that!)

i am going to sit down and finish that e-mail this weekend, i swear. i have been saving up stories and anecdotes of good ole guelph for you.

9:05 a.m.  

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