Thursday, July 21, 2005

yay for today

no more school, no more school, no more school CLAP CLAP CLAP (sung in the same tune as what's your name, what's your name, what's your name? CLAP CLAP CLAP ) from good old what's his name from genki english...did you guys go to his workshop in tokyo during the conference?
so...going to take 2 hours nenkyu this afternoon to bike home (yes, i'm bloody licence-less because of one small piece of paper i was missing GRRRR), pack, take the train to niigata then the ferry to sado.
keito, i'm meeting you guys at the port, right? let's pray for sunshine tomorrow...beach time is a necessity. my plan is to lounge in the sun all day so that i can properly fall asleep on the night bus to nagoya saturday. bloody no-licence GRRRR!
the rest of you...planning on the goodbye party at hotspot saturday night?
no more school, no more school, no more school CLAP CLAP CLAP!

it's true

"Y’all Canadians is NAAAAHHHCE. I have never in my life met a nicer group of people. People were nice to us EVERYWHERE, always talking and asking us if we were having a good time. This totally beats out the South when it comes to nice because in the South people are nice to you ‘cause they know they mama is gonna beat them back home if they ain’t. In Vancouver people were nice because THAT’S WHO THEY ARE. Except, they don’t have Super Target or TiVo."
"Lots of y’all wrote to tell me that y’all don’t talk like that, meaning: aboot! and oot!
Here’s the truth: YOU ALL DO. Stop the denial. I heard ABOOT more than a hundred times and then I lost count. It’s not annoying, in fact, I loved it. It made me want to package you all into little morsels and claim you on my customs form while going through the airport."
"We had the most amazing time in Vancouver. We were totally blown away. I can’t even begin to describe how exciting and breathtaking the city is. Truly one of the world’s gems"

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

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Thursday, July 14, 2005

my little sis, marijke-jane Posted by Picasa
lindsay's 'goodbye' party.  Posted by Picasa
jeff & asako Posted by Picasa
goodbye kylie, goodbye joe... Posted by Picasa
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look at jeff in the background..."AVERT MY EYES!" Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

2 Truths and a Lie

ok, think this will be some funny shit. everyone add their own and we'll blog it out to see who we believe to be what. (try to make them as outrageous as poss)
one of these is false:
1. i once photographed about 50 penises (ages 18 - 70) for a sex with sue television show.
2. the greatest heavyweight champion of canada, george chuvalo, told me i had 'great shoulders'.
3. one of my ex boyfriends used to be in a band called our lady peace. he wrote a song called starseed which was about me leaving and moving to holland.

my 400 lb (180 kilo) sensei

does anyone else have a 400 + pound (almost 200 kilo) teacher working at their schools?

Monday, July 11, 2005

Things to mutter under your breath at annoying servers and people with single-digit I.Q's

some useful japanese

...such as,
'have you seen my hamster?'
'you've got lipstick on your tooth'
and, 'i've got hay fever. my nose won't stop running'

ok my classes were cancelled i'm a bit bored. but at least i'm studying!

a little help...

...for all you tackling the japanese dating pool:

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Nagoya Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 08, 2005

LINDSAY'S STAYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

digrassi jr high jeff and lins Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

rainy days

wow it's only 8:30 and i'm already feeling crummy and bored. yesterday with no classes was just the longest day ever. with all my motivation zapped, it was all i could do to plan my eikaiwa class for last night (which went quite well thanks to all the input).
but today i feel like the weather. dark, miserable, sad, rotten...
wow i really hope that it's sunny this weekend. would love to spend some quality time at the beach. anyone up for it if it's nice on saturday? i might take a drive up the coast north of murakami to find that nice one up there...

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

selfish post

is it just me or is mns not working? i don't even know whether or not i'm teaching any classes today because my supervisor is AWOL.
anywhoo i've got eikaiwa tonight and i'm teaching directions ("how do i get to doko doko" and "how far is it?" etc). does anyone have any ideas on games/activities i can do to practice this point?

VERY disapointed in you folks

why is no one commenting anymore??? c'mon, the whole kaietsu region has a SPORTS TOURNAMENT today and thus NONE OF US have any classes and NO ONES COMMENTING...kat's blog too...c'mon peeps.
do i need to start a debate?
like, who's on the TOP 10 LIST OF GIRLS IN THE KEN???
ryan? any comments?
hee hee

Monday, July 04, 2005

morocco... Posted by Picasa
moroccan pavillion Posted by Picasa
French video Posted by Picasa
serious faces... Posted by Picasa
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french video... Posted by Picasa
france Posted by Picasa
emma you duuhtay dawg... Posted by Picasa
german... Posted by Picasa
german pavillion... Posted by Picasa
thai pavillion Posted by Picasa
the train that will replace all trains: the new magnetic shinkansen that literally floats over the tracks, able to beat all train speeds previously recorded. too bad japan is too densely built-up that they have no space to build the tracks! Posted by Picasa


so, another weekend in nagoya. went back to the expo again and saw some new stuff. highlights: the german pavillion had a little mini coaster ride that took you through different exhibits. the french pavillion had a video on the environment and the future: IS THERE A FUTURE FOR THE FUTURE? and i think that out of all the pavillions, they really got the whole 'thoughts about nature' theme right. it was the kind of video (4 walls + cieling) that really made you spend a few minutes (or days!) afterwards thinking about our place in the world.
today at saruhashi two of my ichi-nensei students got into a fight and one boy had the other by the throat. hmmmmmmmmm.........
i had my students draw pictures according to my english's a few: Posted by Picasa
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